Fusain paintings can take many forms, from highly detailed representational works to more abstract or expressive pieces. Charcoal can be used to create sketches, studies, and finished works, and it is often combined with other media, such as pastels, ink, or paint. It is a versatile and expressive medium that allows artists to create a wide range of textures and values, from deep blacks to subtle grays.
Ata Hamadé « Femme expérience 12, Embuscade Eternelle » Dim: 29 x 20 cm
Ata Hamadé «Femme expérience Temporelle 6» Dim: 14 x 14 cm
Ata Hamadé « La Vierge aux boucles de perles » Dim: 26 x 21 cm
Said Akl « Personnages » Dim: 19 x 12 cm
Paul Guiragossian « Suzanne » Dim: 63 x 48 cm
Hussein Madi « Portait de femme » Dim: 39 x 34 cm
Hussein Madi « La Danse » Dim: 29 x 22 cm
Marwan Sahmarani Dim: 65x 50 cm
Marwan Sahmarani Dim: 65x 50 cm
E. Rizk Dim: 23 x 11 cm